
The Boomer Immigrant Muslim Father

Contrary to the false myth peddled by “Muslim” Feminists about the “angry” , “abusive” , and “controlling” Arab or South Asian immigrant father, the...

The Sahabas’ Attitude Towards Marriage

It’s crazy when you know that the sahaba (RA) and the salaf (RH) lived in a far more religious and chaste time-period than our current one… And yet they never delayed marriage. In fact...

His Muslim GF – A Short Story

“I’m sorry Chase, but we can’t continue…”He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His Muslim girlfriend of 5 years was breaking it off. “But Amira...

Misyar: The future of Muslim marriage in the west?

Misyar is a form of marriage where either one or both parties surrender rights and obligations of a traditional marriage. (yes, it’s completely halal, but most scholars don’t recommend it) As...

Muslims: The Original “Passport Bros”?

Recently a trend of Western men going abroad for relationships has exploded in popularity to such an extent that this phenomenon has been given it’s own name, “passport bros”...

This much cognitive dissonance shouldn’t even be possible!

Ever noticed the lack of consistency in those opposed to so called “redpill talking points”? They’ll be the first to invoke Quran and Sunnah against you… And yet, they’ll...